My other blogs:
- FreeBeingFree
- FreeandFaith
- LottaLaughs
are where I post about my "normal" life. I wanted a place to post about my life dealing with CKD (and my sarcoidosis).
There isn't a lot out there as I start trying to live with renal problems. When I just started trying to put together a meal-prep diet, I realized how overlooked the whole CKD issue is. I can find a lot of foods, beverages, and information resources for
- Weight loss
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Keto
- Gluten intolerance
- Vegetarian & vegan lifestyles
Go try to find things for a renal diet and you might not hear crickets but it gets real quiet. And expensive.
There are no super-simple meals plans or very many meal delivery services. Nutrition labels don't always show the Big Three - Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus - or at least, they sometimes hide those things.
If you try to self-educate, there is quite a bit of contradictory information - about which foods to avoid or indulge in, about nutritional levels, etc.
What I will do here on this blog is share my experience. I can't offer any medical information or even advice - because I'm not, you know, a medical professional. What I will share is my meal plans and grocery items, etc. I will share any resources that I find useful. Oh, and there will be the random ranting and raving.